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Remich and Wiltz — Comparison weather

Comparison weather
Learn where is warmer and colder where in any month of the year. Compare the day and night temperature, water temperature and precipitation. Where the sun shines longer, and where the rains.

You have chosen to compare the two cities:

Remich (Luxembourg)
Wiltz (Luxembourg)
Compare weather in other cities
Comparison of daily temperature
Comparison night temperature
Comparison of precipitation
Remich and Wiltz Comparison seasons
Most sunny months
August 14 days
July 13 days
September 13 days
July 11 days
August 10 days
September 10 days
The warmest months
August 22.9 °C
July 22.6 °C
June 20.4 °C
August 21.1 °C
July 20.6 °C
June 18.8 °C
The coldest months
January 3.3 °C
February 4.7 °C
December 4.8 °C
January 2.6 °C
February 3.8 °C
December 4.1 °C
Rainiest months
December 6 days
June 6 days
January 5 days
June 7 days
December 7 days
January 6 days
Most windy months
February 15.4 km / h
January 14.9 km / h
March 14.6 km / h
February 17.1 km / h
January 16.7 km / h
December 16.2 km / h
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