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Vientiane — best time to travel, season

Best time to visit Vientiane?
Planning your trip (vacation)? But you do not know when it's better to go to Vientiane?

See detailed information about the weather for months, favorable and unfavorable periods to visit this city (resort).

Find out when the holiday season begins now!
Most sunny months
February 25 days
January 24 days
March 24 days
The warmest months
April 37.5 °C
March 36 °C
May 35.8 °C
The coldest months
December 28.7 °C
January 29.4 °C
October 30.8 °C
Rainiest months
August 18 days
July 15 days
September 14 days
Most windy months
March 7.4 km / h
April 7.1 km / h
February 6.8 km / h
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