Na-ewu ewu mba
Tụlee ihu igwe

N'ikpeazụ Ligure — ihu igwe Ka, mmiri okpomọkụ

19.5°C Uwemeyo okpomọkụ 12.5°C Night okpomọkụ 17 Anwụ na-acha ụbọchị 14.2-15.2 Sun (awa) 4 Ezo ụbọchị 58.3 mm Ọdịda 17.6°C mmiri okpomọkụ
Air okpomọkụ
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
The kacha kwa ụbọchị okpomọkụ 30°C — 27 Ka 2022.
The kacha n'abalị okpomọkụ 20.5°C — 27 Ka 2018.
The kacha nta kwa ụbọchị okpomọkụ 11.5°C — 5 Ka 2019.
The kacha nta n'abalị okpomọkụ 5.5°C — 26 Ka 2013.
mmiri okpomọkụ
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
The warmest mmiri 21.8 °C — 29 Ka 2022. The coldest mmiri 15 °C — 2 Ka 2021.
Anwụ na-acha, urukpuru na gloomy ụbọchị
Ọdịda, mm
Oke ọdịda 135.5 mm — Nov. Kacha nta ọdịda 34.7 mm — Augustus.
Ifufe ọsọ, km / h
Oke ifufe ọsọ 11.8 km / h — Feb. Kacha nta ifufe ọsọ 8.5 km / h — Jul.
Number awa nke anwụ
The karịa ọnụ ọgụgụ awa nke anwụ kwa ụbọchị 11.8 h. — Jun. The kacha nta awa ole anwuochicha kwa ụbọchị 6.1 h. — Nov.
Gwa anyị na-eso ndị enyi gị!